To my younger self

It's okay that you fell off the bike because learning is a long process. Just get back on and try again.

It's okay that you felt embarrassed when you tripped up in the playground in front of everyone because accidents happen to everyone, at least you weren't badly hurt.

It's okay that you are not enjoying a new pastime because we need to try new things in order to find out what we like and what we don't. You tried it and you tried your best - that's all that matters.

It's okay that you sometimes find it hard to socialise and make friends because social skills can take time to develop for some people, I am still learning today.

It's okay that you sometimes feel like there is nobody to turn to because dealing with your own mind can be the hardest part of being human, but we must be open to letting others in. Together we are stronger.

It's okay that nothing makes any sense right now because it will all fall into place eventually.

It's okay that a girl broke your heart in second year and you felt like your world was falling apart because you grow up to realise you were gay all along.

It's okay that when a guy eventually did hurt you that it took you a while to build up your confidence again and to learn to move on because it teaches you that not everyone you meet keeps your best interests in mind.

It's okay that you fell for the same tricks from a different person because you'll know that the first time wasn't a misjudgement on your end.

It's okay that you took a while to figure out who you were and to understand your sexuality because you had to deviate from heteronormative expectations which is an incredibly brave thing to do.

It's okay that you waited until you were in a serious relationship before you came out to your parents because nobody should feel pressured to say or do anything before they are ready.

It's okay that you have days where you feel alone in the world because through your pain you grow stronger.

It's okay to feel confident when you take a nice photo of yourself because you need to appreciate yourself more.

It's okay to cry because it lets out the sadness and makes room for happiness.

It's okay to let people know when you are unhappy because you have a great network of support.

It's okay that people ask you where you "really" come from because it only reminds you that you are unique and have something interesting to talk about.

It's okay that you question if you're happy with your decisions in life because we should constantly reevaluate our decisions to ensure that we are living our life to the fullest.

It's okay to feel anxious and to worry about all the bad things that could happen as soon as you set foot out the front door because your safety is your main priority. Just don't let it consume you or prevent you from going outside.

It's okay that you missed your lecture today because you can always catch up later but you need to put yourself first. You are a smart person.

It's okay that you got blackout drunk on more than one occasion because growing up is about learning where your limits are.

It's okay to admit when you have been wrong or have made a mistake because people will always be ready to help you improve.

It's okay to question your opinion of people because we often become desensitised to imprinted expectations of someone and forget to look at the real person.

It's okay that you couldn't go to a party or social event because there will be plenty more opportunities for you to socialise.

It's okay that you find it hard to initiate a conversation with someone because meeting new people is difficult.

It's okay that you didn't do something because it was out of your comfort zone because you are in control of what you do. But remember that pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone can also lead to new and unexpected experiences.

It's okay to realise that you have no idea what you are doing with your life because you still have a long time to figure it out.


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